Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Churchwide Prayer with Peter Tsukahira Date: Wed, 1 Sep, 2010 (Tonight) Time: 7:30pmVenue: Cornerstone Main AuditoriumPastor Peter Tsukahira will be ministering tonight at our Churchwide Prayer Meeting. There will be a time of teaching and prayer. Join us for this special churchwide prayer, as we come together to seek the Lord in a corporate time of prayer and worship.
About Peter Tsukahira Peter Tsukahira was born in the United States and is now a citizen of Israel. He is the executive director of Carmel Communications and Mount Carmel Ministry Center, and is also co-founder and pastor of Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Assembly). He is ordained by World Challenge International Minister's Fellowship, founded by Rev. David Wilkerson and serves on the Board of Directors for Church Growth International, founded by Dr. David Yonggi Cho. He and his wife, Rita, a Messianic Jew, now live on Mt. Carmel in the city of Haifa.

Friday, August 6, 2010

English Services Aug 7-8, 2010
Saturday service • 5pmSunday 2nd service • 10.30am Venue: Cornerstone Main AudiSpeaker: Rev. Sylvia EvansRev. Sylvia Evans is a phenomenal bible teacher and expositor. She is the founder and director of Creative Word Ministries, loves the Word and makes it alive for all who hear. An in-depth Bible teacher with prophetic anointing, she seeks the Lord for a "word in season" for each occasion as she ministers in churches, conferences, retreats, bible schools, and leadership seminars throughout the US, Canada, and other nations.Don't miss a special performance by the Watoto Children's Choir at the Saturday service!

Sunday 1st service • 8.30am Venue: Cornerstone Main AudiSpeaker: Ps. Aaron JenAaron Jen is a fourth generation Christian whose great-grandfather was converted under the ministry of Hudson Taylor in 1850’s. Aaron and his wife Jan are called to establish, strengthen, equip, and restore the local church according to the New Testament pattern. They were sent by their local church and the Antioch apostolic network to Estonia to assist in training leaders and planting new churches. Since 1990, they have effectively raised up leaders, strengthened and established God’s churches in the former Soviet Union - Estonia after the fall of Communism. Aaron and Jan are currently leading an apostolic company dedicated to building and strengthening the local churches all around the world. Many souls have been saved through friendship evangelism, open cells and church planting in the last nine years.


Speaker: Asst. Ps. Deborah QiuSermon: Your Thought LifeThoughts are powerful. Your thought life has the power to either align you to the purposes of God or to detract you from the destiny of God in your life. Your thoughts direct the actions in your life, and your actions determine the kind of life that you will have. Pst Deborah Qiu, the overseer of the Cornerstone Japanese Fellowship, will be discussing on the ways to a victorious thought life.
CHILDREN'S CHURCHSUNDAY 8.30 & 10.30am#02-25/01Odeon Katong

Kingdom Tots (15mths-2yrs): Only at 2nd Service, 10.30am @ Level 3 foyer (Nursery)Agape Soldiers (3-4yrs): BIBLE TRAIL LESSONSBlessed Ones (5-6yrs) / Covenant Keepers (7-8yrs) / David's Mighty Men (9-10yrs) / Disciples of Christ (11-12yrs): WHO LOOKS AT THE HEARTS: The Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. Come be pumped up by God through a series of heart-to-heart sessions.J.E.W.E.L.S (Children with special needs): Only at 2nd Service, 10.30am @ #02-24
MANDARINSERVICESUNDAY 10.30am#02-34Katong Audi

Speaker: Ps. Aaron Jen Pastor Aaron and his wife Jan were sent by their local church and the Antioch apostolic network to Estonia to assist in training leaders and planting new churches. Since 1990, they have effectively raised up leaders, strengthened and established God's churches around the world. Many souls have been saved through friendship evangelism, open cells and church planting in the last nine years.
INDONESIANSERVICESUNDAY10.30amTheatrette 2Odeon Katong

Speaker: Peter SamSermon: The Fear of GodThe fear of God is the first and foremost decision for every Christian to make in order to inherit His wisdom. When we choose the fear of God in our lives, we will know the AWESOME God. For His wisdom surpasses all known things. He will make your life awesome too, when we yield to Him. Come and be blessed.

Speaker: Brenda MadridSermon: Insignificant to SignificantThe account of Jesus feeding 5000 with five loaves and two fish may be the best-known of Jesus' miracles. It is the only miracle recounted in all four Gospels, and it has a way of capturing the imagination. The smallness of our resources must not be an obstacle. If we learn to trust God, we will experience the joy of being basket-bearers of Jesus-empowered food to the multitudes, and we'll be there to pick up the left-over pieces and marvel at the weight of his abundance.
GENERATIONSSERVICESUNDAY1.30pmMain AuditoriumOdeon Katong

Speaker: Sng Peh HanSermon: Revival Series (Part 3) - Releasing The Young GunsThe Bible is a supernatural book written by a supernatural God for a supernatural people. In every revival in history, miracles, healings, signs and wonders are commonplace. Jesus says that we are to raise the dead, heal the sick, cast out demons - these signs will follow those who believe! God is raising up a prophetic generation of young people who will move in the gifts of the Spirit. Are we ready to be released to move in the power of God?
BURMESESERVICESUNDAY1.30pm#02-24Odeon Katong

Speaker: Ps. Saw ThihaSermon: InnermostAll revolutions, movements and transformations in history were ignited by a handful of radical people. Before these people 'explode' in radicalism, there was an implode internally in them. The beginning of revival has its origins in your innermost being. This is also the place of battle spiritually and mentally.
FILIPINO 2nd SERVICESUNDAY2.00pmTheatrette 1Odeon Katong

Speaker: Marjorie SamarSermon: The Foundation of Living WaterJeremiah 2:13 says “For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, and hewn themselves cisterns - broken cisterns that can hold no water.” How often do we cling on to "broken cisterns” when God promises to constantly refresh us with Himself, the “fountain of living water”? Unless God intervenes in our lives, we will never experience real satisfaction.
AFRICAN SERVICESSUNDAY9.00am @Uni-Tech Bldg& 2pm @ T1, Odeon Katong

African Services will be on as usual in the morning, 9am at Uni-Tech Building (55 Toh Guan Road #03-01) and in the afternoon, 2pm at Theatrette 1, Odeon Katong. Don't miss our lively worship, conducted in English. All are welcome.
TELUGUSERVICESUNDAY7.30pmUni-Tech Bldg55 Toh Guan Rd #03-01

Speaker: Ps. Hema LathaEmpowered by the Holy Spirit, Ps. Hema Latha is called to testify and proclaim the Gospel among heathen people in Guntur Dt. Andhra Pradesh, India. She was born in an orthodox Hindu family and came to know Jesus at the age of 20. Despite being persecuted and outcast from her home and community for accepting Jesus, she continued to walk faithfully in the narrow path. Her life is an epistle that challenges every believer to be faithful to God despite negative circumstances in their lives.

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